Coheus MasterClock
Thank you for using Teraverde’s Coheus MasterClock!
Release Notes at bottom of page.
Where do I start?
From within the Coheus Configuration Editor input form, click the button that shows the configuration file that you would like to edit, e.g. “MasterClock Config”.
What do the Icons mean?
How do I change my MasterClock workflows?
After opening the editor from the Coheus Configuration Editor input form, to begin, select the workflow name on the left-side panel and then click ‘Edit’ (if no workflows exist, click the bottom ‘Add Workflow’ button). This will open the right-side panel with data to be modified specific to the workflow.
To edit the top panel that is workflow specific, click the top-panel ‘Edit’ button. This will allow the name, duration type for calculations, colors representing the top and bottom of the workflow in Encompass and the fields utilized for determining the “Earliest Date”
How do I change my MasterClock workflows? Can you explain the terms used in the editor?
There are a lot of calculations that occur within Coheus MasterClock. With those calculations, there are parameters that can be set, by you, to make it customized specifically for your environment.
Workflow Top Panel:
Workflow Name:
This is the name that the custom field, CX.TVSP.WORKFLOW, will be utilizing so that the system knows what workflow within the configuration settings should be utilized.
Earliest Fields:
The field IDs, separated by the vertical bar (“|”), allows the MasterClock to take into consideration more than one field when assessing when a particular workflow step (“task”) is to be completed. By default, the two closing fields are used: Estimated Closing Date (763) and Scheduled Closing Date (748)/
Start / End Color:
The start and end colors are what is presented in the Encompass User Interface on the MasterClock Input Form so that a user can quickly see which data points are being referenced from the start calculation and the “Earliest Fields” calculation.
This dropdown allows the workflow to be created for calculations in minutes or in days. For example, a Retail environment may utilize ‘days’ between tasks, but a Direct to Consumer or Call Center environment may have tasks that are measured in ‘minutes’.
Workflow Task Panel: (streamlined example shown)
Task Names:
The individual tasks for the workflow are in the order by which they will be displayed to the user in the Encompass User Interface on the MasterClock Input Form.
Add Task Button:
Clicking the button will allow you to add an additional task into the workflow.
Edit Task Panel:
The Name of the task will be shown on the MasterClock Input Form.
Actual Date:
The field that represents when the task has been completed. This can be a standard field or a custom field.
Calc From Date:
The “Expected Date” for the task is calculated from this date. This can be a standard field or a custom field. Teraverde’s recommendation is that the ‘top half’ of your workflow to be calculated from the RESPA Application Date and the ‘bottom half’ of your workflow to be calculated from the “Earliest Fields”. The default delivery of SpeedPath MasterClock is configured in this fashion.
Expected Field Id:
This dropdown allows the workflow to be created for calculations in minutes or in days. For example, a Retail environment may utilize ‘days’ between tasks, but a Direct to Consumer or Call Center environment may have tasks that are measured in ‘minutes’.
Status Field Id:
This is a non-editable field. This is the field that is utilized for the system to display the individual status. It will always be a custom field. It is displayed for the administrator in the event it is needed for other uses, e.g. reports.
Calc Offset:
The number represented within this field is utilized for the calculation for the Expected Date in relation to the “Calc From Date”. This can be represented in Days or Minutes depending on the “Minutes/Days” setting for the workflow. A negative number is utilized to count backwards from the “Calc From Date”.
Allow Weekend:
Set to ‘True’ if you allow the “Expected Date” to fall on a Saturday or Sunday.
Use Company Cal:
Set to ‘True’ if you want to use the Encompass Settings for the Company Calendar to determine which days the “Expected Date” may fall.
Caution Time Frame:
This will calculate when the status of the workflow task will go from ‘On Schedule’ to ‘Caution’ – signifying that there needs to be action taken soon before the task status becomes ‘Behind Schedule’. The value will follow the “Minutes/Days” setting. Unlike the “Calc Offset”, the number must be a positive value.
Task/Calc From:
If there is not an “Expected Date” to be utilized, and should show on the MasterClock input form, use the ‘Calc From Field’ option. This will allow users to see other dates that may be crucial but not part of the calculations for the Overall Status. The ‘Task’ option will signify that this task should be included in determining the Overall Status.
Responsible Role:
Use the dropdown to select the responsible party that should be tracked. The dropdown is populated automatically, just make a selection!
This is a crucial data point if you are using our Coheus solution.
Edit Button:
Clicking the button will allow you to edit the allowable fields.
How do I move a Task?
To move a task after it has been created, simply left-click and drag it to the new location. The location of the task being moved will be above the task tile that it is placed on. It is important to drag the task to an existing tile location – it will not ‘stick’ to the new location if it is released onto any other part of the form.
"CD Due Date" Special Note
Coheus MasterClock comes with standard workflows. Within the standard workflows, one of the tasks is named “CD Due Date”. The CD Due Date functions in a special way:
The “Calc Offset” field within the configuration is ignored;
Instead, if the Encompass Field 3983 (eConsent Date) is blank, the calculation from the “Calc from Date” will be defaulted to use “-7” days (or the minute equivalent if using minutes is selected) based on the Calender selected. If field 3983 is not blank, the default will be “-3” days (or the minute equivalent if using minutes is selected) based on the Calender selected.
The release number corresponds to the release date (YY-MM-DD-version).
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Teraverde®, Coheus® and SpeedPath® are trademarks of TVMA Inc.